STAPRO SLOVENSKO s.r.o. je súčasťou projektu Erasmus+

Call for action: K2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Knowledge Alliances




Biomedical and Medical Informatics (BMI) is a very dynamic field undergoing rapid evolution and  centrally featured in health reforms across Europe.  Emerging technologies in BMI are central to making healthcare more personalised, precise, reliable, safer and cost effective. The increased interest in BMI education and training is leading to transformative trends in creating new educational programs at higher education institutions in Europe offering a BMI degree. New emerging interdisciplinary domains are being added to the curriculum offering additional possibilities and challenges for engineers and system scientists to be involved, but at the same time imposing new demands on core teaching and learning competences.

The development and implementation of the Centre-BMI to support educational process and courses appropriately addresses this pressing and real problem. This Centre will exploit new innovative cloud-based technology to support the creation and delivery of new courses/subjects in BMI that is complex and multidisciplinary. Courses will be offered both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels to address a wide spectrum of core competency requirements. The Centre will provide an invigorating environment for the cooperation of technical, medical universities, and enterprises in BMI that will provide a pool of supplementary expertise, skills, and competences in this area. Both universities and enterprises’ contemporaneous participation in the project fosters a new trend of integrated medicine and IT educational provision relevant for the definition of an emerging innovative BMI-related professional profile that is well sought after by enterprises. This Centre will be open to other non-consortium partners that would like to be involved in cooperative activities helping to ensure the project’s impact and sustainability.

Organisation name  Country
Zilinska Univerzita v Ziline (UNIZA) Slovakia
Leeds Beckett University (LBU) UK
Peter L. Reichertz Institute for Medical Informatics of the Technical University of Braunschweig (TUB-PLRI) Germany
Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma (UCBM) Italy
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (URJC) SPAIN
University of Oulu (UOULU) Finland
Universitat de Valencia (UV) Spain
STAPRO SLOVENSKO s.r.o. (Stapro) Slovakia
Dr. Guido Kaufmann e.K. (DGKeK) Germany
Amnim d.o.o. (Bioanim) Slovenia
Ostravska Univerzita (OU) Czech Republic
Hospital of Zilina (FNsPZ) Slovakia